Meet: @_shrinkingsnakelady_ This is her weight loss story.
Meet: @_shrinkingsnakelady_ This is her weight loss story.
Meet: @_shrinkingsnakelady_ I used to have a hard time staying on track. I would eat healthy through the day. Workout in the mornings. Then on the way home, I couldn’t resist the temptations of eating something on the way back. I tried so many nights hiding it from my husband. But he knew. I remember feeing like if I ate alone I wouldn’t feel as bad. And did the self hatred after. I wasn’t motivated when I started my journey. I just wanted to prove my trainer I was a lost cause. I set a date. And chose to take action. I’m living proof that you don’t need motivation to start because it comes and goes. But I want to let you know it is possible to change your life. I want to help people see the bigger picture of things. And know that losing weight doesn’t have to be hard. What’s my definition of body positivity? It doesn’t mean showing your body off to the world. It can. But you can love yourself whether you show someone your body or not. Body positivity doesn’t mean making people love and accept you. It doesn’t mean love yourself now and not live a healthy lifestyle. If you think of living a healthy lifestyle is a way to only perfect your looks, yes I can see how people that are body positive may feel offended when people lose weight. But let me share with you a different way to look at it. Growing up I was taught I needed to lose weight to be in the cool crowd at school. I needed to lose weight for guys to want me. And over so many years hearing that I believed I was less than someone else that had society’s definition of a perfect body. Then it clicked, I have always been good enough to be loved. I’ve always been hot. I have always had the beauty in me no matter what size I was. I wanted to lose weight cause I didn’t like having to answer the question “were you working out?”!when I went across the room to get my phone and out of breath. Or those times going up stairs and I was out of breath. I couldn’t walk for long periods of time. I wanted to just lay down and eat. I remember feeling so good during when I would eat unhealthy foods. And use it as a drug. Feels amazing during the times your eating. And the moment I finished, I felt so bloated and lazy. I didn’t have any energy. I wanted to sleep all the time. So even at my highest weight I knew I was hot. But I wanted to have more energy and feel better after I eaten. I wanted to feel the endorphins after a workout. I wanted to feel accomplished. Like I can do anything in life. So, for me it isn’t about changing what’s on the outside to fit society’s definition of beauty. I define my own beauty. And I can be body positive and love myself to get fit and healthy. My number 1 tip is stop being results driven and take away the timeline. #wlstories . . . More pics of this transformation available on our snapchat; username: wlstories
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