Meet: KickinAssAsh; This is her Weight Loss Story.
Meet: KickinAssAsh; This is her Weight Loss Story.
Meet @kickinassash who’s lost more then 140lbs with diet and excercise! Ashlee makes it a point to GET INVOLVED in this community! She likes every post, spreads the love with comments. She’s tremendously dedicated to the community and to the forum at wltogether. She is EXACTLY the type of person I want to promote in this community. She’s not looking for followers, money, fame etc she’s just looking to HELP OTHERS believe in themselves. She knows what I’ve been preaching since the beginning: we as individuals are more likely to succeed in our weight loss journey when we’re supporting others trying to do the same. This works!!! Plus side bonus of no one ever will try to sell you crap in this community! Ashlee believes in this power. She’s on her own journey and understands that with supporting one we can go further on our own journey. She’s volunteered on every project we’ve done. People like her is exactly why I’m proud to run wlstories. People like her restore my faith in this community daily. She’s kind, she’s generous with her time she’s passionate about helping others she’s not afraid to be honest and truthful. She’s just absolutely amazing and does not even realize just how much of a beautiful soul she is….She believes in everything wlstories is about because she believes in YOU! I’m proud to call her my friend and encourage ALL of you to follower her @kickinassash.
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